
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Growing Texas HSP Group!

Today-- May 22nd-- marks an annniversary of sorts, for the Texas HSP group.

Two years ago today, the first message was posted to our online forum on YahooGroups.

In the time since those tentative steps, the HSP Texas group has grown to 40+ members, and the "conversations" keep growing, month by month. Our group is actually on its way to becoming one of the most active "state level" HSP groups on the web! Which is saying quite a lot, given that the "original" Texas group for HSPs "went away" due to a lack of interest/activity.

Thank you to everyone who has joined and is now part of our group! Let's continue to build a supportive and safe online community for HSPs in the Lone Star State.

If YOU are a Highly Sensitive Person and are reading these words from a computer somewhere in the state of Texas, please consider joining our group. Just follow one of the links in the left margin, under "Where to find us."

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