
Saturday, June 27, 2009

HSP Gathering in Colorado, October 1-5, 2009

This is an initial announcement that there will be an HSP Gathering in Estes Park, CO this October. The event will take place at the YMCA of the Rockies facility on October 1-5, 2009-- near Rocky Mountain National Park.

This is the second HSP Gathering to take place in Colorado (the first was in 2007, and drew visitors from around the US, as well as Canada and the UK), and it is the closest venue for HSPs in Texas.

Colorado is beautiful in the fall, and it's not a terribly long drive, from most parts of Texas-- or hop a Southwest plane to Denver, and share a car rental with other attendees.

Don't be misled by the event being "at the YMCA." YMCA of the Rockies is a huge sprawling "campus" in beautiful natural surroundings.

Make plans to attend, early-- there's usually a discount for early registration. For more information, please visit Gathering Creator/Organizer Jacquelyn Strickland's web site:

Jacquelyn Strickland's HSP Gathering Page

So why attend an HSP Gathering? After all, the idea of "a group" probably sounds counterintuitive to most HSPs...

The purpose of these retreats is both to help HSPs learn about the trait, as well as to help us find fellowship with each other. There is nothing quite like spending several days with other people who truly "get it!"